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Purchase Yarn and Accessories

From: Noro of Japan Noro Magazine #19, Fall/Winter 2021

10. Hexagraph

designed by Kaye Adolphson
crocheted floor pillow
finished diameter approximately 36"

Step 1: Choose Yarn & Colorway

Silk Garden Sock Solo As Shown

Silk Garden Sock Solo 8. Plum
Silk Garden Sock Solo 33. Usuki
Silk Garden Sock Solo 40. Oyabe
Silk Garden Sock Solo 1. Omitama

[As Shown]
Your Choice of Silk Garden Sock Solo

4 colors of Silk Garden Sock Solo

Note: click on a yarn name to display a color card in a separate window.

Step 2: Choose Options

Purchase pattern

Step 3: Review and Add Items to Shopping Cart

QtyDescriptionOptionsPrice ($)
Note: this order includes yarn to make 10. Hexagraph from Noro of Japan Noro Magazine #19, Fall/Winter 2021 $0.00
Noro of Japan Noro Magazine #19, Fall/Winter 2021 $9.99